According to Trish

not worth reading since 2009

All is Well in Trump’s America and Other Lies We’ve Been Told

Donald Trump giving a thumbs-up at a rally in Newtown, PA
Photo by Michael Candelori from Philadelphia – Donald Trump Rally 10/21/16, CC BY 2.0, httpss://




Let’s just take a moment to recap as we close out week two of Donald Trump’s presidency.

Lies we’ve been told:
1. Crowd size – despite photographs that we all view with our own eyes that show the truth
2. Voter fraud – despite ZERO evidence
3. A video of supposed intelligence gathered during a high-risk military operation turns out to be 10 years old
4. Muslims from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen are dangerous to us. Yet, “not a single American was killed on U.S. soil by citizens from any of those countries between 1975 and 2015, according to statistics tallied by the conservative-leaning Cato Institute.” (Quoting NY Post here.)
5. The COMPLETELY MADE-UP Bowling Green Massacre

That’s off the top of my head, without even looking back at the shitstorm of news. I’m sure I’ve missed a few. Also, that doesn’t count broken campaign promises. These are just look-you-in-the-eye-and-lie-to-your-face it’s-true-because-I-said-so propaganda.

Stuff that has been taken:
1. At least temporarily, the right for green card holders to enter the U.S.
2. At least temporarily, the right for legal visa holders to enter the U.S.
3. The right to have a financial adviser who swears to work in your best interest only (see yesterday’s executive order)
4. The right to regulate bankers to keep them from crashing our economy for the second time (again, yesterday’s EO)
5. The ability of foreign NGOs to even discuss abortion with constituents, even if they do so using funding from other sources
6. The right to have drinking water free of runoff from coal mines
7. The ability of job seekers to be hired for federal jobs, due to fed hiring freeze
8. The assurance that *someone* is holding down the fort in the State Department — the termination of nearly the entire senior staff leaves a very scary void
9. The ability of public-sector employees to release any information, especially information that might pertain to science
10. The ability to buy Ivanka Trump clothing at Nordstrom (her sales were apparently tanking)
11. The ability to watch Trumpy on The Apprentice. Obviously, this is a huge loss for all of us, as Arnold’s rating are in the crapper
12. The ability of all of us to enjoy innovations in tech, science, pharma and other fields, as foreign workers find it harder or impossible to come to our country

Again, this is all just off the top of my head.

Has anyone actually GOTTEN anything these last two weeks?
1. If you’re a banker, you just got a green light to start making money hand-over-fist again
2. If you’re a racist, Nazi, or any other similar hate-monger, you have white supremacist Steve Bannon in the White House advancing your agenda
3. If you’re uninformed about the fact that you’re more likely to be killed by an American citizen who’s a right-wing extremist than a Muslim from one of the countries who does not do business with the Trump family, then you have the perception of increased safety
4. If you’re Hillary Clinton, you are not in jail
5. If you’re the owner of a coal miner, you have to spend a lot less time worrying about pollution

I’m sure I’m missing some stuff here, too. I’m not going to quote any jobs numbers, because every time there’s been an announcement about jobs “saved,” it’s usually countered by some shady math on the back end.

To summarize: All is well in Trump’s America. Nothing to see here.

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