Category: civil rights
A lame white chick weighs in on Obama and MLK Day
Four Novembers ago, I voted by absentee ballot. I was due to pop out a baby very close to election day and I didn’t want to take any chances. “I will tell them to turn on the TV in the delivery room if I have to!” I told everyone. “I’m going to watch those…
Civil rights post: The conversation continues
Here’s another comment from “friend #1.” He emailed it to me and asked me to post it. (He actually sent this back when the conversation was still going but I was having technical difficulties and didn’t get to it until now.) I guess the reason I get upset when I hear about picketing at a…
Civil rights post: Your comments
I always notify my facebook friends when I write a new blog so sometimes I end up with a big, fat discussion thread there in addition to the comments here. Since not everyone is a facebooker, I wanted to paste some of the comments from facebook friends onto the blog so I could open the conversation…
Civil rights update and some other crap
Just wanted to let you all know that there was nothing going on with the protestors when I arrived to pick up Megan today. Cops everywhere. Protestors nowhere. We even went looking for them and didn’t see anyone. Apparently they wrapped things up earlier in the day. I’m going to touch base with some of…
Your civil rights are disrupting the flow of traffic
So here’s what’s going on today: I have sent my daughter to school despite the fact that there are going to be real, actual gay people roaming the school campus. I know that homosexuals will be present because the school sent a note home about it. Perhaps I should explain: My daughter’s school is located on the campus of a…