According to Trish

not worth reading since 2009

Category: Dating

  • Funeral for a friend

    Megan’s beloved hermit crab died the other week. She sobbed and sobbed over Isabella (whom Benjamin always delightfully referred to as “Mrs. Bella”). She cried in my arms when we found her deceased crustacean companion, and then again when we buried the tiny, now-exposed crabby body in the front flower bed. Megan used Isabella’s rainbow…

  • No Irish, no more

    Well, peeps. Looks like I have some bad news for you all. Sorry. The Irishman? Done. Over. Finished. Sorry to disappoint. I know a lot of you liked hearing about him and the idea that I, a 40-year old single momma, could have a little true-life, fairytale romance. And it so started out that way.…

  • The Single Momma Sorority

    I haven’t showered since Thanksgiving (yes, of 2011, smartasses). I showered that morning, then I took a pass the next day as the kidsters and I were just planning a day of bouncing around the greater suburban Philadelphia area visiting cousins. Then later that night … the cough. The evil cough. The ex took the…

  • Talkin’ turkey (not a cooking post — really, what were you thinking?)

    Today I’m thankful for: 1. Waking up with the Irishman instead of waking up alone on Thanksgiving. 2. A gorgeous morning. A detour through Valley Forge Park on the way home. Scenery that still takes my breath away even though I’ve seen it a million times. My own “secret corner” of the park. 3. Just…

  • Secrets of the Irish

    Last night the Irishman invited the kids and I to family night at his “secrety society” of Irishmen. Want to know what the raffle prizes are for a gathering of Irish people? First prize: Whiskey. Second prize: Whiskey. Third prize: Whiskey. There was no fourth prize. No kidding. I think I laughed for 20 minutes…

  • Pioneering the Single Momma Lifestyle

    I guess I sort of left you all hangin’ with the Irishman, huh? God bless that crazy, ridiculous man. He has given me carte blanche to blog about him. I have license to say anything I want. (Really, babe? Anything?) (I don’t know who I’m writing to there in those parenthesis because he swears he’s…