Weddings and Babies and Bruno
So I’m back at Panera. My old Panera. The one I used to come to to cry and kill time when my ex-husband and I were separating so many years ago … And why I am here now after so many years? Because I just dropped my kids off at the hospital — where my ex-husband’s new…
Things You Should Not Do Today
Let’s be cranky this morning shall we? Here’s a list of things you should not do today: Come downstairs after rolling out of bed, give me the onceover (in my too-big jeans, baseball cap, and sweatshirt that I threw in the dark so I could take a kid to school in the rain) and declare “That’s…
#MeToo — My Totally Ordinary No-Big-Deal Sexual Assault
During my sexual assault, I had a few minutes to think about how I wanted things to go. Sure, there was the distraction of the guy’s tongue in my mouth and his body pressing me against the wall … and the fact that one of his hands was on one of my boobs … but knowing…
Lurching Greatly
There are things that I know. For example, I know that if I get up and spend 10-20 minutes journaling, I’ll have a better day. I’ll feel happier all day. My thoughts will be clearer. I’ll get more done. Yet I often don’t do this. In fact, I’ll go months without doing it. I have…
My Trump-Supporting Friends Want Me to Stop Screaming at Them
I’ve spent the last few days doing an inordinate amount of screaming on Facebook. I have some friends who voted for Trump who have had it with me. They’re tired of getting yelled at. The fact that they haven’t just unfriended my loud mouth is a testament to how reluctant they are to just throw…
When Bruce Springsteen is Your Coworker
I took some Somnis the other night before I went to bed. This stuff often gives me crazy dreams. Here’s a good one. I was working in the most dismal of offices. Gray, padded cubicle walls. Very dim lighting with lots of dark corners, like a dirty aquarium. Everyone, including me, was wearing ill-fitting pants…